Home Alone Project: Living Alone is a Better Choice – Final Essays
Living Alone is a Better Choice than Living with Flatmates
Final Essays
Advantage of living alone is that you can live without anyone telling you what are you supposed to do.
Also, if you are quiet and introvert it is good for you to have some space and peace.
Disadvantage of living alone is that you have to pay for everything and sometimes you can feel very lonely.
In our opinion it’s better to live with someone, because we have more opportunities. If we talk about advantages there is a lot of them. We have parents protection and safe place for living. If we talk about friends who live with us it is the same. But if you look from the other side you can see that there is a lot of disadvantages, like that you don’t have right on your opinion and you depend by parents side.
Living with someone can be a very fun and interesting experience, but is it a smart decision to make? Nowadays, more and more people in college campus dorms live together with a roommate, but some of them still prefer to live alone.
We prefer living with someone, because you always have someone to talk to and the rent is cheaper when shared. All in all – it’s more fun.
On the other hand, people you live with can sometimes disturb you when you’re studying, especially if you have trouble concentrating.
In conclusion, it might be better to live with a friend, as long as you find a suitable person.
Living alone has its goodsides because you have more time for yourself. Nobody can distract yor mind from learning.
But, on the other hand, living with somebody has its good sides, too. For example, if you are busy and you can not do your shopping, pay your bills, or cook your lunch, your roommate can do it for you. Also, if you are living with someone, you will never be bored. But it doesn’t mean that you should spend all of your time socializing. You two should have an agreement about studying time, socializing time and also a list of ‘to do stuff’. Otherwise you will argue easily.
1. Lead-in
a. Living alone or with someone else is a choice most of us have to make during our university studies or when we find employment. What would you prefer?
Write down some thoughts about their upsides and downsides.
b. Read what other people have written and write some comments.
2. Writing
After this fruitful exchange of thoughts you are ready to write a composition on the following topic:
Living alone is a better choice than living with roommates
Follow these guidelines:
Introduction: A general statement / rhetorical question
Advantages: Topic statement plus 2 advantage arguments.
Disadvantages: Topic statement plus 2 disadvantage arguments.
Conclusion: Summing up / weighing up arguments plus your personal opinion
Remember to explain and illustrate your arguments.
3. Finding a roommate
If you find yourself in a situation to share a flat with somebody for any possible reason, e.g. to share costs, you will have to find a person you get on with. One of the things that could help you make your decision is doing this compatibility test. Copy the results and post them on this blog.
4. Feedback
Are you happy with the results? Do you find any of them surprising? Which roommate qualities do you value the most? Write your comments on this wall.
5. Roommate quiz making
Watch Futurama: I, Roommate video and use Hot Potatoes programme to make a T/F quiz with your partner.
6. Roommate quiz solving
Swap quizzes and solve quizzes made by other pairs.