11 Jul

20. Lingvina radionica / 20th Lingva’s Workshop

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Lingvina radionica br. 20: Oživljavanje jezičkih veština – Pisanje

U nastavku serije internih radionica Oživljavanje jezičkih veština, posle 19. februarske radionice  koja se bavila veštinama čitanja, profesorke Lingve su se okupile 21. juna 2014 da prezentuju I probaju aktivnosti za razvijanje veštine pisanja. Pokrivene su sve uzrasne grupe I široki raspon nivoa, od Dečijeg A1.b do Omladinskog/Odraslog C1, kao i razni tipovi pisanih zadataka – instrukcije, biografije, priče I preporuke. U svim sesijama korišćeni su šareni rekviziti i atraktivni multimedijalni resursi u cilju povećanja motivacije polaznika za aktivno učenje jezika. Kao I ranije, I ovo je bila prilika da se podeli dragoceno nastavno iskustvo iz prve ruke.

Primary A1.b: A Day in Africa Plan by Marija Milovanovic

Secondary A2.a: A Biography Plan by L.Petronic-Petrovic

Adult B1+: What’s Your Story About Plan by Ivana Lazic

Secondary B1: Once Upon a Time Plan by Katarina Andric

Young Adult B2.a: Swift Portraits Plan by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic

Lingva Workshop No. 20: Enlivening Language Skills – Writing

On 21 June 2014, continuing the series of Enlivening Language Skills in-house workshops, after the 19th workshop in February this year  on the skills of reading, Lingva teachers gathered to present and try out the activities designed to develop writing skills. This workshop covered all age groups and a broad range of levels, from Primary A1.b to (Young) Adult C1, as well as various types of written tasks – instructions, biographies, stories and references. All sessions featured use of colourful realia and attractive multimedia resources for the purpose of boosting motivation of students for active language learning. As before, this was one more opportunity to share valuable first-hand teaching experience.


17 Apr

19. Lingvina radionica / 19th Lingva Workshop

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Lingva ELT Workshop 19

Oživljavanje jezičkih veština: Čitanje

Lingvina interna radionica br. 19 u školskoj godini 2013/2014 je bio prvi u nizu događaja usmerenih na revitalizaciju nastave jezičkih veština uvođenjem živopisnih medija i novih tehnologija. U većini planova časa koristile su se priče, počev Read More

28 Aug

Fool’s Gold

Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic at Lingva In-house Workshop 18

Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic at Lingva In-house Workshop 18


Lingva In-house Workshop 18, June 21, 2013

C1 Fool’s Gold

by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic

27 Aug

Lingva In-house Workshops No. 17 and No.18

Lingva In-house Workshop No.18

Lingva In-house Workshop No.18


Lingva in-house workshops No.17 and No. 18 in the school year 2012/2013 were dedicated to developing skills of using interactive whiteboard and integrating online IWB activities into English language teaching. In the 17th workshop on 10th January 2013, a Lukvel representative introduced Lingva teachers to the basics of working with a Hitachi Starboard Link EZ2 IWB and in the 18th workshop on 21st June 2013, teachers presented lesson plans in which they integrated online IWB activities with face-to-face teaching.

The new piece of teaching equipment for blended teaching/learning was received with great enthusiasm at all levels – from Director of Studies to novice teachers, and Lingva students were equally thrilled to switch from quieter PC based pair work to more dynamic IWB group activities. Many hours were spent on internet research to find suitable IWB resources for all age groups and levels, and integrate them with the set Lingva sylabuses. While plenty of ESL resources were easily found on the web for younger learners, a considerable number of authentic materials aimed at native speakers had to be used to design leasson plans for higher-level students, which necessitated more meticulous adaptations. The overall result was creation of a comprehensive school base of IWB activities that will be constantly reused, improved and supplemented in the future work of Lingva. Here are some sample lesson plans:


Primary A1.d Little Red Hen by Lora Petronic-Petrovic

Primary A1.a Little Red Riding Hood by Marija Milovanovic

Secondary A2.b Easter Activities by Ivana Lazic

Secondary A2.b Nelson Mandela by Katarina Andric

Secondary A2.a Are You a Good Listener?  by Marija Matic

Young Adult C1.a Fool’s Gold by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic

25 May

My English Diary: My Portrait Assignment

Dear Students,
We are approaching the end of our first project module and it is time for you to sit down and see for yourselves what you can say and write in English.  Here is a link to some guidelines that will help you express what you have learnt so far:
My English Diary-My Portrait Assignment
08 May


California by Lingva

California by Lingva

It’s been a long time since we last learned English through music. This showery but warm spring seems to be bringing just the right mood for our favourite songs that we will remember not only for the enjoyment they have brought us but also for the new English phrases we have learnt.

1. Here are some of the listening activities made by former Lingva students:

English through Music

You will find the recordings here:
Led Zeppelin

2. Now you can do the same. Choose one of your favourite songs and make an English listening activity using Hot Potatoes authoring tools.

3. Listen to the songs and do the activities prepared by other classmates. Whose activity was:
a. the most interesing
b. the most useful
c. the most enjoyable

19 Mar



Today we are going to start working on our newspaper project, Lingva Gazette, at this site: www.smore.com

It will have the following main sections:

Lingva News
Valjevo/Mionica Community
The Lingva News section will include an article about the English course you are attending and the members of your group. It should also include what you especially like to do in this course and what your expectations are for the future. Another contribution for this section will be an interview with one of your  coursemates.
In searching for and gathering information for other section of our newspaper, you may find the following sites useful:
Free-to-use photos can be found at:
In the second stage of our project we will present the content of our newspapers and decide which events or situations you think you will remember and why.
08 Nov

MUST SEE AND FEEL … Assignment

Gradac Gorge


Imagine that you work for a travel agency and that your boss has asked you to make  promotional flyers for some beauty spots, cultural monuments or other specific tourist offers in and around Valjevo. The series of flyers titled “Must See and Feel …“ is planned to include the following attractions:

Greening along the River Gradac

Promenading round Pecina Park

Roughing It in Valjevo Mountains

Hikers Paradise on Divcibare

History Makers of Valjevo

Valjevo between East and West

Wildflower Trails of Valjevo

Love for Art in Valjevo

Village Treats round Valjevo

Breezy Summer Camps in Valjevo

1. Decide which topic you are going to cover and make a plan for your writing. Think about some general information and the most popular features that would attract large numbers of visitors. This example will help you in your planning:

Must See and Feel … River Gradac

2. Write the text and illustrate it with suitable photographs.

3. Embed your flyers in Lingva WP blog.

4. Have a look at other people’s flyers. What do you like about them? Is there anything that could be improved? Write your feedback in the comments section.

25 Sep

Slow & Fast City Life Assignment

Old Town Tesnjar, Valjevo

1. Are we lucky or unlucky to live in a relatively peaceful city?

Discuss this question first with your partner and then with the whole class. This activity will help you with your vocabulary for this task:

Slow and Fast City Life 1

2. Write a 60-70 word paragraph about the way of life in Valjevo and whether you would like to change anything about it. Post your writing to Lingva Journals.

3. Read other students’ work and make some comments/questions. Whose work do you like best?





26 Jul


Lingva Workshop No. 16: Classroom Activities that Work

Lingva Workshop No. 16

The 16th Lingva’s In-house ELT Workshop, held on 21 June 2012, was designed to give an overview of the past year activities that teachers especially liked or thought to be the most effective. They covered a wide span of levels and included adaptations of ideas and resources taken over from ELT literature, replicas of games played in L1, while some were original creations of Lingva teachers.

A2+ Associations Game by Marija Matic

B2 It’s probably me by Katarina Andric

B2 Facts and Myths by Milica Milanovic

C1 Friends and Foes by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic

C2 Hole Hearted, Extremeby Lora Petronic-Petrovic

Lingva Workshop No. 16