19 Jun

My Ideal Holiday Assignment

Huntington Beach, California Photo by Lingva

Huntington Beach, California
Photo by Lingva


The holiday season is approaching and it is a good time to exchange some thoughts about the holidays we usually have or dream about having one day.  Tell us something about your ideal holiday: what kind of holiday it is, how you get there, what you do, and what you should bring.

15 Jun

A Walk round Valjevo by Mira


We can go for a walk round Valjevo. The first place I can show you is Pecina Park. Pecina Park is a very interesting place. It is a small botanical garden. There are a lot of species of trees from all over the world and they are labelled in Latin. It’s one of the most peaceful places in Serbia and people of all ages like walking here.

We can also go to the River Gradac. The Gradac is one of cleanest rivers in Serbia. It takes a 15 minute walk from the town centre to the Gradac. The prettiest place of Gradac is the dam.  A lot of people swim here and have a drink in a cafe.

The third place we could visit is Tešnjar .Its architecture is typical of the Ottoman rule period. The river Kolubara flows through Tešnjar and there are plenty of shops, cafes and a few clubs on its right bank.

I hope that you have found these places interesting.

15 Jun

A Walk round Ljig by Snezana

I live in Ljig, but now I am going to agricultural school in Valjevo. Valjevo is a very friendly city, but it is very noisy. Ljig is smaller than Valjevo and I know it better, so I am going to talk about Ljig.

In the centre of Ljig there is a large square and every day many people walk in it. They do shopping here and have a drink in one of the cafes.



Ljig photo from Ljig na dlanu


Ljig is famous for its history and culture. It is full of beautiful monuments. It is also famous for its spa. Here you can swim in an outdoor pool and rest in a pretty hotel. The River Ljig divides the city into two parts. There is quay along the river where I enjoy walking.

15 Jun

A Walk around Valjevo by Jelena

I would like to show you round Valjevo. The first place we could visit is the River Gradac. It is one of cleanest rivers in Serbia. It takes fifteen minutes to get there from the city centre. People walk along it every day and in every season. They swim in the Gradac only in summer because its water is pretty cold. My favorite place on the Gradac is the Dam. People love to fish here.

From Gradac we could go to Marko’s Chair. It is on a hill above Valjevo. According to an old legend from the Middle Ages, Prince Marko sat on this hill and washed his feet in the river 100 m below. From this place there is a magnificent view of  the city of Valjevo. It is a favorite walkway of the citizens of Valjevo and their guests.


Markova stolica

Photos by Gradac Valjevo

15 Jun

A Walk round Valjevo by Marta



Let’s go for a walk round Valjevo. We could first go to Petnica Science Centre. It gives special education to talented children from Serbia and other countries. Young people work on projects and do a lot of experiments. Petnica Science Centre is a very clean, unpolluted and peaceful place because it is located in the village of the same name. It takes half an hour to get there.

The second place that I would like to take you to is Tesnjar. It is one of the oldest quarters in Valjevo. It used to be an old shopping centre a long time ago. It is on the right bank of the Kolubara river and it is very pleasant to sit in its cafes. Tesnjar is a protected cultural treasure because it has many houses built in the old Turkish-Serbian architectural style.

The third place I will show you is Brankovina. It is a village in the territory of the city of Valjevo. It is the birth place of the greatest Serbian poetess Desanka Maksimovic. Besides her old school there is a an old church where famous Serbian statesmen from the family Nenadovic were buried. In the church yard there are copies of their summer cottages.

I hope that you have enjoyed this walk.