30 years of experience, including direct training in foreign companies. A wide range of professional terminology and extralingual knowledge in the area of economy – business planning, project engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, industrial chemistry, agriculture and food processing, as well as social, political and cultural activities.
Written translation
All kinds of texts, in paper or electronic form:
- Business letters
- Business plans
- Contracts
- Design and process documentation
- Project documentation
- Advertisements and promotions in newspapers and on TV
- Web sites and presentations
- Personal documents
Oral translation
- Telephone talks
- Business talks
- Negotiations
- Presentations
- Lectures
- Conferences
- Social and political events
- Culture and art events
Translations and Certifications by Court Translator
- Legal and court documents
- Company documents
- Technical documentation
- Medical documentation
- Personal documents
Our references are, among others: City Administrations and Assembly of the City of Valjevo, Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo, Gorenje DOO, HK Krušik AD, Cimos AD Krušik – Precizni liv, Directorate for Town Planning and Construction Land, Valjevo Hospital, PC “Elektroistok” Valjevo, Kolubara District Administration, Public Utility Company “Valjevo”, Valy DOO, Elektrovolt DOO, and other organisations and companies.