Tag: adult education

30th Lingva Inhouse Worskhop: Lingva Teaching Sparkles 5

30th Lingva Inhouse Workshop-Teaching Sparkles 5

On 18 March 2023, the thirtieth Lingva inhouse workshop was held, under the title Lingva Teaching Sparkles 5.  Teachers from Lingva Valjevo: Danijela Beljić, Ognjen Petković, Lora Petronić Petrović, Katarina Ristić and Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlović, together with the participants from Lingva Belgrade: Ana Petrović, Željko Ljiljak-Vukajlović and Sofija Ljiljak Vukajlović held a series of workshops where they presented a selection of most successful activities in teaching English for all age groups and levels of knowledge. This first live workshop after years of online gatherings due to the coronavirus epidemic passed in a relaxed and cordial atmosphere.

Lyrics Training and Guess Who I Am by Katarina Ristic
A Love Story with a Twist by Sofija Ljiljak Vukajlovic
Global Issues in Pictures by Zeljko Ljiljak-Vukajlovic
Project work with Young Learners by Ana Petrovic

Lingva implementing YALS-US Grant project

On 4th October, Lingva school held the first lesson of an English language course in Valjevo, as part of a project of YALS Association of English Language Schools under the sponsorship of the America Embassy in Belgrade.

The project is titled Teaching English to Serbian civil servants working at local government units with the focus on practical skills needed to communicate more fluently with EU counterparts. It will be  implemented from September 2021 to June 2022 and it includes 130 participants from 11 cities and towns selected from all over Serbia. The implementing party in Valjevo is the Lingva Centre for Foreign Languages. The project is managed by a YALS project team consisting of:

Sofija LJiljak-Vukajlović, Project Manager
Mirjana Grandov Lacić, Project Coordinator
Danijela Karafilipović, Project Accountant

For this purpose, the YALS project team has compiled a special handbook called Skills Booster, which covers the functional language and skills relevant to the situations in the work of civil servants, such as creating a CV, active participation in meetings, writing formal emails/letters, creating and giving presentations and use of helpful digital tools, within the topics related to communal, urbanistic and economic activities, as well as the cultures of European Partners, USA and Serbia.

New Multimedia Presentations by Gorenje Students in the 10th cycle of English Courses

As in the previous years, a large number of higher-level course students from Gorenje made a special effort in their English language learning by taking part in multimedia projects. They created slide presentations on various business and technical topics, held them before colleagues in their groups, and finally took part in the assessment and follow-up discussion. In this way they additionally developed all language skills and enhanced their communicative skills and confidence about public speaking. Here are some of their presentations which have been published on our web site www.lingva.com/cafe :

Business Plan by Svetlana Andrić

Business Plan by Lucija Sredojević

Business Plan by Violeta Rakić

Business Plan by Ivana Stanojević

Valjevo as a Tourist Centre by Marko Grbić

Valjevo as a Tourist Centre by Olivera Erić

Hovercraft by Nenad Leontijević

Cooling System by Slađana Golubović

Renewable Energy Sources by Slavko Marjanović

Globalisation by Biljana Mihajlović

Globalisation by Vladimir Perić

Globalisation by Milovan Arsenijević

Globalisation by Ivan Jakovljević

Globalisation by Dejan Gligorić

29th Lingva In-house Workshop: Writing Assessment Standardisation

As a sequel to previous workshops dealing with the same teaching area, which were held on 16 March 2016 and 18 February 2011 and responding to the specific needs of Lingva English language teachers, the 29th in-house workshop was dedicated to writing assessment standardisation. The workshop was attended by both more experienced and new teachers. The main purpose of the workshop was to improve quality and consistency of writing assessment in order to ensure unified and fair school assessment procedures for young adult and adult groups.

In the first session, teachers refreshed their knowledge of overall CEFR written assessment criteria – this time including the sublevel or “+“ level descriptions, and then revised the criteria of Cambridge Writing Assessment (sub)scales referenced to CEFR level descriptors: Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language. In the second session, teachers were given Cambridge ESOL test samples from A2 to C2 levels to rate them individually and in pairs, which was followed by the whole group discussion. In the final stage, teachers applied the same procedure in assessing Lingva test samples of written students‘ work.

The next workshop, will be held in June, this time as a sequel to the series of speaking assessment standardisation workshops.

Traditional 20% Discount on International Cambridge Exams

In 2019 too, Lingva continues to provide a 20% discount on the price of international Cambridge exams (KET PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, TKT, DELTA).

For FCE exam, instead of RSD 20,500 you pay 16,300
For CAE exam, instead of 21,500 you pay 17,200

LINGVA is a Cambridge English Exam Preparation Centre and Tier-one British Council Exam Centre Partner, through its membership of YALS Association of Language Schools of Serbia.

28th Lingva Inhouse Workshop: “Lingva Teaching Sparkles 4“

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Multimedia Projects by Lingva Students from Gorenje 2017/2018

Aware of the particular benefits of multimedia English projects for their needs in terms of developing communicative skills and boosting confidence for public speaking, hardworking students from Gorenje d.o.o. company readily took part in all the stages of their execution, from briefing, gathering, selecting and synthesising information to creating and editing, and finally giving oral presentations followed by feedback/evaluation.

English teaching/learning based on multimedia project work has been used in Lingva since the very start of school operation because of the exceptional value this approach adds to language acquisition through increased motivation, cooperation, learner autonomy, the balance between the process and product of learning, and feeling of fulfillment.
Here are new engaging multimedia English projects done by Gorenje d.o.o. students, which have been published on our web site https://lingva.com/cafe/ :

Holidays by Predrag Kojić and Zoran Kojić
Holidays by Nataša Gajić and Mirko Jovanović
Holidays by Gorica Spasojević, Milan Uljarević and Aleksandar Jovanović
Marketing Brief by Dragana Ivković and Verica Obradović
Marketing Brief by Biljana Mihajlović and Danica Đurišić
VA 3D Print Studio by Vladan Krstić
Purchasing Now and Forever by Ana Milosavljevic
Purchasing Now and Forever by Aleksandar Beljic
Purchasing Now and Forever by Ivana Nikolovski
The Evolution of Tennis by Dejan Gligorić
Materials Processing by Vladimir Perić
The Evolution of Clothing by Ivan Jakovljević
Best of the Best: Thessaloniki by Svetlana and Marijan
A Website Proposal by Milutin Djurisic
A Website Proposal by Jasmina Jelenić and Marina Lukić
A website proposal by Valentina Bogdanović and Marija Matić
The Best Phone by Aleksandar Aksentijević and Milan Pavlović
The Best Summer Destination by Nenad Leontijević and Aleksandar Nikolić
The Best Car by Ivan Mijailović and Nikola Malešević
Saint Petersburrg by Ivan Petrovic, Milan Paunovic and Zlatko Krstic
Lingva Web Thistle Newsletter No.7 by Ivana Nikolovski, Ana Milosavljević and Aleksandar Beljić


28 May-6 July 2018

General and specialised courses
Preparation for Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL and Goethe exams
Preparation for university language studies
– Discounts for advance payment and family members
– 20% discount on Cambridge exams
Registration by 25 May from 5.00 to 9.00 pm
Phone: 290-460, 290-461, 065-2290-460.
At Lingva you will never get stuck for words!