Tag: katarina andric

Experience Sharing between YALS Member Schools

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Three teachers from Tom & Emma School, Belgrade – Milana Papić, Jelena Mitrović, and Sofija Ljiljak-Vukajlovića visited Lingva last Thursday, 10 March, to see how LEGO® bricks and StoryStarter educational programme are used for foreign language learning in our school. They enjoyed working with our young learners on the activities designed by teacher Katarina Andrić at A2.c and B1.b levels, and they also had opportunity to familiarize themselves with the use of StoryVisualizer software, where they were joined by teacher Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlović.

The exchange was two-way – Lingva teachers learned which activities the guests had applied at Tom & Emma, and that they also had positive experience in the use of LEGO® elements with older students. The joint conclusion was that these activities exceptionally boost students’ creativity, which has a direct impact on the effectivenes of language acquisition.

It was confirmed once again that short exchange visits bring a lot of benefits to both sides and that we should continue with this good practice.

Lingva Teacher Completed Trainer Development Course

Lingva teacher Katarina Andrić presenting at Trainer Development Course at British Council Belgrade, June 2015
Lingva teacher Katarina Andrić presenting at Trainer Development Course at British Council Belgrade, June 2015

From February to June, Lingva teacher Katarina Andrić attended The Trainer Development Course organised by the British Council and financed jointly by the participant herself and Lingva School. The course is designed for teachers who want to make transition from teacher to trainer and it comprised of seven workshops during which the participants learnt how to create and deliver effective and succesful workshops.

At the end of the course, each participant prepared a presentation followed by feedback and discussion. Katarina held a workshop titled Using Songs in ELT ( Using Songs with Teenagers). The goals of Katarina’s workshop were to identify important criteria in choosing songs and experiment with different activities connected with using songs. At the end participants gave their opinion of the workshop. They gave very positive comments stating that “it was very practical”, “versatile and useful” and that they were “looking forward to using those ideas in their classroom”. Some participants said they felt “ inspired “ and they all wished Katarina “ to keep up with the good work”.

This has been a natural step for Katarina to take in her continuing professional development. It is the policy of Lingva school within its high quality assurance plan to constantly support its teachers in their professional career development through a systematic implementation of YALS Teacher Training and Development Scheme, which includes regular mentoring, peer observation, Lingva in-house workshops, and international seminars and conferences organised by YALS, ELTA and the British Council.

Lingva multimedia project: Valjevo Youth Agenda 14/15

Lingva multimedia project: Valjevo Youth Agenda 14/15
Lingva multimedia project: Valjevo Youth Agenda
Lingva multimedia project: Valjevo Youth Agenda
Lingva multimedia project: Valjevo Youth Agenda
Lingva multimedia project: Valjevo Youth Agenda

Our ongoing ELL multimedia project called Curtain Raisers has been extended with new proposals on how to improve quality of life of young people in Valjevo. Stating that there are already more than enough coffee bars in Valjevo and that young people need to visit new places and new things to see and take part in, Isidora, Emilija, Filip, Mina, Borko, Anastasija, Jovana and Jelena, supported with teacher Katarina, have suggested some more interesting activities and events – camping school trips and summer camps in the countryside round Valjevo, including rock camps, sports tournaments and music festivals, as well as educational programmes such as astronomy lectures and astrophotography exhibitions. Their presentations have been recorded as slideshows and video clips. This year the project was facilitated by teacher Katarina Andrić.

New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Jovana and Jelena
New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Anastasija and Borko
New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Isidora and Emilija
New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Mina and Filip
New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Stefan

Lingva Workshop No. 20: Enlivening Language Skills – Writing

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On 21 June 2014, continuing the series of Enlivening Language Skills in-house workshops, after the 19th workshop in February this year  on the skills of reading, Lingva teachers gathered to present and try out the activities designed to develop writing skills. This workshop covered all age groups and a broad range of levels, from Primary A1.b to (Young) Adult C1, as well as various types of written tasks – instructions, biographies, stories and references. All sessions featured use of colourful realia and attractive multimedia resources for the purpose of boosting motivation of students for active language learning. As before, this was one more opportunity to share valuable first-hand teaching experience.

Primary A1.b: A Day in Africa Plan by Marija Milovanovic

Secondary A2.a: A Biography Plan by L.Petronic-Petrovic

Adult B1+: What’s Your Story About Plan by Ivana Lazic

Secondary B1: Once Upon a Time Plan by Katarina Andric

Young Adult B2.a: Swift Portraits Plan by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic

19th Lingva Workshop – Enlivening Language Skills: Reading

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Lingva in-house workshop No. 19 in the school year 2013/2014 was the first in a series of events aimed at revitalising teaching of language skills by introducing colourful media and new technologies. Most of the lesson plans were based on exploiting stories, starting from Celtic tales to comic strip legends to contemporary short stories for children and adults. All of these stories were accompanied with strong visual elements, either in the form of picture books, old paintings and photographs or flash cards. In some presentations, teachers demonstrated how to integrate reading with the skills of listening and speaking, and in others how the reading texts could be analyzed for review writng or serve as models for creative story telling and writing.


Primary A1.c: Let’s read and Have Fun by Lora Petronic-Petrovic 

Let’s Read and Have Fun Lesson Plan

Let’s Read and Have Fun      Worksheet 1      Worksheet 2      Worksheet 3

Secondary A2.b: Good Idea by Ivana Lazic

Good Idea Lesson Plan

Good Idea Worksheet

Secondary A2.b: Make Your Own Story by Milica Maric

Make Your Own Story Lesson Plan

Secondary B1.b: Superpowers by Marija Milovanovic

Superpowers Lesson Plan

Young Adult B2.b: Reading in Shining Armour by Katarina Andric

Reading in Shining Armour Lesson Plan

Young Adult B2.a: I’ve just read a good story! by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic

I’ve Just Read a Good Story Lesson Plan

I’ve Just Read a Good story Worksheet


Secondary A2.a Ein echtes Stück Wien by Ivana Vujić

Ein echtes Stück Wien-Plan casa

Ein echtes Stück Wien-Realizacija casa