Tag: Lingva Beograd

31. Lingvina interna radionica

Lingva Teaching Sparkles 6 Workshop


Nastavnici Lingve su 12. aprila 2024. organizovali 31. Lingvinu internu radionicu, pod nazivom Lingvine nastavne iskrice 6.

Kolege iz Lingve Valjevo: Danijela Beljić, Ognjen Petković, Lora Petronić Petrović, Katarina Ristić i Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlović, zajedno sa Sofijom Ljiljak-Vukajlović iz Lingve Beograd, održali su niz radionica na razne teme, predstavljajući izbor najdelotvornijih aktivnosti u nastavi engleskog za sve uzraste i nivoe znanja.

Teme su obuhvatale motivisanje tinejdžera kroz muziku, jezičke aukcije, društvene medije, obnavljanje vokabulara sa NTC poligonima  i integrisanje digitalnih alata u razvijanje veština govora i pisanja.

Ovaj vid obučavanja i usavršavanja nastavnika se pokazao najpopularnijim u našoj sredini u kojoj se odavno neguje tradicija razmene iskustava među kolegama u opuštenoj i podsticajnoj atmosferi.

April Fool’s Auction Game by Danijela Beljic
Can I Quit Social Media for a Month by Sofija Ljiljak-Vukajlovic
New Tricks by Old Dogs for Puppies by Lora Petronic Petrovic
Giving Opinions by Katarina Ristic
Music Games and Activities by Ognjen Petkovic
Guess the Artist or Scientist by Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlovic


30th Lingva Inhouse Worskhop: Lingva Teaching Sparkles 5

30th Lingva Inhouse Workshop-Teaching Sparkles 5

On 18 March 2023, the thirtieth Lingva inhouse workshop was held, under the title Lingva Teaching Sparkles 5.  Teachers from Lingva Valjevo: Danijela Beljić, Ognjen Petković, Lora Petronić Petrović, Katarina Ristić and Mirjana Ljiljak-Vukajlović, together with the participants from Lingva Belgrade: Ana Petrović, Željko Ljiljak-Vukajlović and Sofija Ljiljak Vukajlović held a series of workshops where they presented a selection of most successful activities in teaching English for all age groups and levels of knowledge. This first live workshop after years of online gatherings due to the coronavirus epidemic passed in a relaxed and cordial atmosphere.

Lyrics Training and Guess Who I Am by Katarina Ristic
A Love Story with a Twist by Sofija Ljiljak Vukajlovic
Global Issues in Pictures by Zeljko Ljiljak-Vukajlovic
Project work with Young Learners by Ana Petrovic

Lingva implementing YALS-US Grant project

On 4th October, Lingva school held the first lesson of an English language course in Valjevo, as part of a project of YALS Association of English Language Schools under the sponsorship of the America Embassy in Belgrade.

The project is titled Teaching English to Serbian civil servants working at local government units with the focus on practical skills needed to communicate more fluently with EU counterparts. It will be  implemented from September 2021 to June 2022 and it includes 130 participants from 11 cities and towns selected from all over Serbia. The implementing party in Valjevo is the Lingva Centre for Foreign Languages. The project is managed by a YALS project team consisting of:

Sofija LJiljak-Vukajlović, Project Manager
Mirjana Grandov Lacić, Project Coordinator
Danijela Karafilipović, Project Accountant

For this purpose, the YALS project team has compiled a special handbook called Skills Booster, which covers the functional language and skills relevant to the situations in the work of civil servants, such as creating a CV, active participation in meetings, writing formal emails/letters, creating and giving presentations and use of helpful digital tools, within the topics related to communal, urbanistic and economic activities, as well as the cultures of European Partners, USA and Serbia.

Meet our favourite singers and actors


When thinking which famous people to present, we have all decided to choose singers and actors: Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez and Tom Holland. Our main criteria in selecting were our personal preferences, their recognized achievements in the worlds of music and film, but also their positive personal traits – all of them are independent, brave, hard-working and above all generous and ready to share part of their wealth with people in need.

Rihanna by Neda Munjic

Jennifer Lopez by Nina Arsenovic

Thomas Holland by Jovan Jevtic

Taylor Swift by Katarina Krstajic



Since 23 March 2020, Lingva has been conducting online teaching, The previous week was spent in discussing the most suitable format and preparing the teachers for the new approach. It was concluded that the greatest emphasis should be placed on direct, real-time spoken communication, accompanied with the necessary teacher’s guidance and explanations.

With the good virus of distance learning against the evil coronavirus!