On March 3rd 2018 Lingva teachers Marija Matić Grujić, Katarina Ristić, Katarina Andrić, Marija Milovanović and Lora Petronić-Petrović attended the conference ‘SIG Day Joy of Teaching Young Learners’, which was held at the Faculty of Legal and Business Studies Dr Lazar Vrkatic in Novi Sad, Serbia.
Teachers were presented with some practical and innovative ideas which they could use while teaching young learners.
Three Lingva teachers Marija Matić Grujić, Marija Milovanović and Katarina Andrić held a workshop called Tricks with Brick in which they showed how LEGO® bricks and StoryStarter educational software can be used for foreign language learning. Participants got familiarized with using LEGO® bricks to enhance listening, speaking, sreading and writing. They also got to experience building stories with bricks and their feedback was very positive, particularly pointing out that these activities would boost students’ creativity and self-confidence.
Another Lingva teacher, Lora Petronić Petrović, held a presentation Speaking and Listening with Polly the Porcupine, which was aimed at practising listening and speaking skills, with special emphasis on speaking skills according to YLE Starters format.
This workshop shows the way of adapting coursebook material to the features of Cambridge Starters Exam. At “Lingva”, private language school in Valjevo, the main material for teaching used in classes are different course book series from renowned publishers, since not all students take this exam. In view of the fact that the test and portfolio items format differ from the one in Cambridge YLE Starters Exam, author of the activities shows the ways of exposing students to exercises which will both, bring test format closer to them, and put them in the exam similar circumstances from the very beginning of the school year. The activities presented are based on New Chatterbox 2 coursebook by Derek Strange Units 7 and 8, as well as Starters Exam Speaking part.
Tricks with Bricks Presentation
Tricks with Bricks Video
Speaking and Listening With Polly the Porcupine
Lesson Plan
Smiley Sentences PP