Graduate Teacher of English Language and Literature, Director of Studies at Lingva Valjevo, ELT Teacher Trainer, Professional and Scientific Translator, author of accredited programme for professional development of teachers: “Integrated Use of Internet in English language Teaching”
Although I have worked for several decades, I still cannot decide which of these roles is my favourite. I enjoy exploring the best translations of new terms and passing them on to my students. I continue to take pleasure in sharing creative ideas and plans of successfully performed lessons with colleagues from Lingva, as well as from YALS, ELTA and SEETA associations. I like to encourage younger teachers with personal examples of risk taking and perseverance rewarded by professional fulfilment and career advancement.
I have always believed that learning foreign languages opens up new worlds for us and broadens our horizons. One of Lingva’s and my own main teaching principles is to use computers with internet access and interactive whiteboard as tools which help us expand informational and educational processes even more effectively. Another important principle for me is that learning a foreign language is a two-way process in which students have taught me, and they still do, things they are passionately interested in, so I have watched, with my eyes and ears wide open, my students’ presentations on the best national football team or how to play the Samorost interactive video game. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm, and dedication creates success.