

  • English
  • German
  • Other foreign language courses can be organised on request, including Serbian for foreigners

General Courses

  • Preschool
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Young Adult
  • Adult

Special Purpose Courses

  • Business
  • Journalism
  • Town planning, architecture and civil engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Tourism and hospitality industry
  • Agriculture
  • Medicine
  • Law

Exam Preparation Courses

  • Preparatory course for Faculty of Philology
  • Cambridge Young Learners Exams (YLE)
  • Cambridge PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC

Course levels

Lingva course levels are based on an extended scheme of YALS Association of Private Language Schools of Serbia, which are benchmarked against the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

LINGVA Preschool, Primary and Secondary Levels

Basic scheme benchmarked against YALS/CEFR levels
Age/grade Category Course name Eur.stand. Cambridge exams Lessons
4 years predškolski c (pre-school c) Ec 64
5 years PREDŠKOLSKI predškolski b (pre-school b) Eb 64
6 years PRE-SCHOOL predškolski a (pre-school a) Ea 64
1st grade of primary school početni d (elementary d) A1d 64
2nd grade of primary school MLADJI ŠKOLSKI početni b (elementary c) A1c 64
3rd grade of primary school PRIMARY početni a (elementary b) A1b  64
4th grade of primary school srednji 1c (pre-int. c) A1.a/A2.c Starters 86
5th grade of primary school srednji 1b (pre-int. b) A2b Movers 86
6th grade of primary school STARIJI ŠKOLSKI srednji 1a (pre-int. a) A2a Flyers/ KET 86
7th grade of primary school SECONDARY srednji 2b (int. b) B1b 86
8th grade of primary school srednji 2a (int. a) B1a PET 128
1st grade of secondary school visoki 1b (upper-int. b) B2b 128
2nd grade of secondary school OMLADINSKI visoki 1a (upper-int. a) B2a FCE 128
3rd grade of secondary school YOUNG ADULT napredni 1b (advanced C1b 128
4th grade of secondary school napredni 1a (advanced a) C1a CAE 128

LINGVA Adult Course Levels

Basic scheme benchmarked against YALS/CEFR levels
Name of general or business course Eur.stand. Cambridge examinations Min.lessons
Početni b (Elementary b) A1b 60
Početni a (Elementary a) A1a 60
Srednji 1b (Low intermediate b) A2.b 60
Srednji 1a (Low intermediate a) A2.a KET 60
Srednji 2b (Intermediate b) B1b 60
Srednji 2a (Intermediate a) B1a PET, BEC Prel. 60
Visoki 1b (Upper-intermediate b) B2b 60
Visoki 1a (Upper-intermediate a) B2a FCE, BEC Vantage 60
Napredni 1b (Advanced b) C1b 60
Napredni 1a (Advanced a) C1a CAE, BEC Higher 60
Proficiency b C2.b 60
Proficiency a C2.a CPE 60
Scheme of additional courses in conformance with YALS/CEFR levels
Naziv opšteg ili poslovnog kursa Evr.std. Cambridge ispiti Min.čas.
Viši početni b (Post-elementary b) A1.b+ 60
Viši početni a (Post-elementary a) A1.a+ 60
Viši srednji 1b (Pre-intermediate b) A2.b+ 60
Viši srednji 1a (Pre-intermediate a) A2.a+ KET 60
Viši srednji 2b (Post-intermediate b) B1.b+ 60
Viši srednji 2a (Post-intermediate a) B1.a+ PET, BEC Prel. 60
Visoki 2b (Pre-advanced b) B2.b+ 60
Visoki 2a (Pre-advanced a) B2.a+ FCE, BEC Vantage 60
Napredni 2b (Pre-proficiency b) C1.b+ 60
Napredni 2a (Pre-proficiency a) C1.a+ CAE, BEC Higher 60