New interactive exercises at Lingva English Cafe: News Verb Forms

Lingva B2.a students took it very seriously when told to do the English multimedia project called News Verb Forms. They were first instructed to read the latest news stories on various topics on the website, and summarize them orally for their classmates. The second step of the assignment involved creating verb form gap-fill exercises using the interactive Hot Potatoes authoring tools, and the final one was to do their classmates’ exercises, practicing use of verb forms both in the stage of creating as well as in that of doing the exercises. Although at first the teacher thought that students would not like to do more than one additional peer-created exercise, Sofija Belušević, Teodora Beljić, Iva Obućina, Jelena Perić, Filip Petrović, Kalina Petrovic, Uroš Uverić, pleasantly suprised her by asking to do all five exercises; what is more, the fast finishers even did some of the similar last year’s activities done by former Lingva students.

News Verb Forms: Fan Expo Canada 2019 by Uroš Uveric
News Verb Forms: Toronto’s Anime North 2019 by Jelena Peric
News Verb Forms: US study finds correlation between youth suicide, household gun ownership by Kalina Petrovic
News Verb Forms: Millions don’t turn up to ‘storm’ US airbase for extraterrestrial evidence by Teodora Beljic
News Verb Forms: Students compete in second international Neurosurgery Olympiad in Tyumen, Russia by Sofija Belusevic