15 Jun

A Walk round Valjevo by Mira


We can go for a walk round Valjevo. The first place I can show you is Pecina Park. Pecina Park is a very interesting place. It is a small botanical garden. There are a lot of species of trees from all over the world and they are labelled in Latin. It’s one of the most peaceful places in Serbia and people of all ages like walking here.

We can also go to the River Gradac. The Gradac is one of cleanest rivers in Serbia. It takes a 15 minute walk from the town centre to the Gradac. The prettiest place of Gradac is the dam.  A lot of people swim here and have a drink in a cafe.

The third place we could visit is Tešnjar .Its architecture is typical of the Ottoman rule period. The river Kolubara flows through Tešnjar and there are plenty of shops, cafes and a few clubs on its right bank.

I hope that you have found these places interesting.