31 Mar

Report – by Ivan Beljic


Photo by Melinda Kolk

To the School Administrator,


This report outlines the recently noticed security issues and the possible solutions for the future.

The general situation

In recent days, there have been reports of intruders on the premises. I conducted a survey based on a questionnaire of our students and it showed devastating results for our security system. As I am the Student Representative I was asked to write a report for the college authorities in order to solve this problem.

Security problems

According to some students, the feeling of safety in the hall of residence is much worse than it was before the unpleasant events. Some of the problems are:
* unlocked front door during the night
* possibility than anyone can come inside the hall, because there is no ID needed
* many thefts in the last two weeks/ – such as some cases of missing clothes or PC technology


In the light of the above, we believe the following will make improvements:
* providing an ID card for every student and a machine which would read that card at the front door
* having the doors automatically locked at midnight exactly – we believe it is better to have this type of closing the doors than a human, because human can always make a mistake, let someone in or forget to look the doors
* install security cameras in halls